Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lower Than The Limit Quilters

I have found several others that have received "THE LETTER".
I mentioned we should start our own group: "THE LOWER THAN THE LIMIT QUILTERS".
I have no clue as to how to make a button, someone in the group mentioned we should have our own button on our sidebars.

If you would like to help our little group eliminate the need of the elusive button, the members that are in need of "Followers" are:

Me - Sue, here at: KQ Sue

WENDY at: Why Knot Kwilt

Ashley at: Always A Piece of Me

Monica at:  Diary Of A Quilt Maven

I wonder if we did do a "Lower Than The Limit Quilters" blog and combined our "Followers" that would get us in with AccuQuilt??? Hmmm??? 

OK, new blog done!  Let's see how much fun we can have with this.


Wendy said...

Way to go Sue! Love this posting!!

Micki said...

You are so funny! I agree with you...AccuQuilt tends to pick those people with at least 500 followers, and then there are people who get helped with votes from others, so there is no chance. I like the idea of the group.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I just became a follower! I'm on my over to the others on the list.

KQ Sue said...

I had good intentions, but man am I catching "crap", over this post.
I have read most of these blogs for quite a while, but wasn't an official "Follower". I didn't intend for us, or to sound like, we were trolling or begging for "Followers". Only that I like reading these blogs and we had something in common at this moment, besides being quilters. I am very sad about all this!