I have followed several blogs for several years, one of which is
Taniwa. Tonya has spoken of Tetsu's resistance to learn English, frequently. Thought I would share my language barrier story, with you.
I married a Dutchman. First year we were married everyone reminded each other to speak English, when we visited. After that they didn't! So I started taking my sewing or knitting along. Oldest sister in law told me I was being rude. Told her, no I was being forgotten, ignored, and bored. So I stitched and they spoke in Dutch and I obviously learned to understand a little Dutch. In-laws were going Christmas shopping and asked DH in Dutch what to buy me. He couldn't remember the name of the perfume I wore, I walked through and told them. They all three were shocked and said I wasn't supposed to undertand that! Surprise!
A traditional Dutch windmill (1100 Roe) standing in a winter landscape on the outskirts of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.