Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Have I Been Up To

Well first there were a lot of "these" packed - over a hundred!
Then loaded in to a Penske truck and driven from NC to FL.
Then "they" took up residence in a storage space for the past 3 months.

Then I spent a lot of time here, with the Devine Miss M.

Several Friday nights, I went to Cotton Patch Quilt Shop for PMS Night (Pizza, Munchies & Sewing).
And sewed a bunch of these.

And sewed a bunch more, takes a lot of 8 inch squares to cover a king size bed.
(See previous post for photo of "the bed".)

At last it became a top. Just need to decide on borders and quilt it.

The new bed is in our new home.  Now to start unpacking the hundred plus boxes.

OK, guys if it says "Sewing Room" it needs to go in first!